Artificial Light is Junk Light! The Panafrican Science Podcast Ep.02
#WeAreReading #ThePanafricanSciencePodcast
Greetings my good people!
I trust this finds you happy and well and enjoying a great start to the week. We start the week with episode 2 of The Panafrican Science Podcast entitled Artificial Light is Junk Light. Building on the first episode, I explain how the light from the sun and from artificial sources is very different. Sunlight is made up of the whole electromagnetic spectrum. So it’s like “whole” light. Artificial light is made up of only a few wavelengths of the spectrum, and is thus more like junk light, or “ultra processed” light:
We reached episode 50 of We Are Reading yesterday (Sunday 24th), and we completed chapter 12 of Blueprint For Black Power.
There’ll be no We Are Reading session this weekend as I have lots of Easter break family gatherings to attend! But I'll be back with Episode 3 of The Panafrican Science Podcast next Monday, and I hope to add some new content to also. In the meantime stay well and remember to get outside/touch grass, etc. And please help grow the community by sharing this post and the videos widely. Asanteni sana.