We Need to Talk about Black Boys in Britain
Peace everyone, here are the notes from my video entitled “We Need to Talk about Black Boys in Britain”
Convictions of Children and Young Adults in England and Wales by Ethnicity in 2022
Convictions of Male Children and Young Adults by Ethnicity in 2022
Offence Type of Convictions for Children and Young Adults 2022
(Black youth particularly overrepresented in Robbery, Possession of weapons, Drug Offences and Fraud (though fraud is a low volume offence).)
Source (you will need to amend the filters on this Powerbi dataset to see specific figures for different age groups and locations): https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjBkY2RhN2MtNmU5Mi00MTA2LThkZjYtNDkzNTQzZDk3MDgyIiwidCI6ImM2ODc0NzI4LTcxZTYtNDFmZS1hOWUxLTJlOGMzNjc3NmFkOCIsImMiOjh9&pageName=ReportSection3812922efab552b0f9f1
The numbers of children and young adults convicted of a crime in 2022, compared to the numbers of them achieving highly in tertiary education
The education figures don’t disaggregate by sex. So I halved them to give an approximate figure for males. The reality is that more females achieve highly in comparison to males, so this is a likely an overerestimate of male attainment
Offenders (remember to use the filters) https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMjBkY2RhN2MtNmU5Mi00MTA2LThkZjYtNDkzNTQzZDk3MDgyIiwidCI6ImM2ODc0NzI4LTcxZTYtNDFmZS1hOWUxLTJlOGMzNjc3NmFkOCIsImMiOjh9&pageName=ReportSection3812922efab552b0f9f1
Victims of Crime
Offences like robbery and violence against the person have victims. And the majority of victims of violent crimes committed by Black youth, are Black youth. Look at homicide for example. It’s a low volume crime in the overall scheme of things, but it has a massive impact on those involved and their families..
Black male children and young adults are much, much more likely to be killed than youth of any other major ethnic group.
The killing is a youth thing. After 34, the disparity goes right down.
Source: ONS - Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2023 - Appendix Tables
Concluding Thoughts
In the video I stated that we as families are failing our youth, male and female and I will unpack why I say this in future videos
None of these perpetrators (or victims) birthed themselves. None of them raised themselves. We have to take a long hard look at what we as adults, parents and care givers can do to stem this horrendous tide