What is #WeAreReading?

I host live streams on YouTube reading and discussing books by Black authors. I have covered a range of brilliant African thinkers including Amos Wilson, Marimba Ani, Amilcar Cabral, Oyeronke Oyewumi, Bunseki Fu Kiau and Sobonfu Somé. It's been said that Black people don't read. Well, my mission is to build a comprehensive African-centred education library. These are in-depth and interactive studies into African Philosophy, African Culture and African History. To support this mission and to get full access to this archive please subscribe.

Free subscribers will receive my regular #We Are Reading S.T.E.M videos with fully-referenced show notes. Paid subscribers receive this PLUS Full access to all Live Streams (30 Hours of content and growing).

Peace out for now

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Life, from a Black British Perspective


A mindful Black Dad and "ever-evolving brother"